Part 6 – Moving and setting boundary checking for the food (cabbage)

So what you will do next is make the food move around the screen, this is fairly easy to do by using the same forward option we used for your player.

Step 1. Within the While Loop add the following code after the #Boundary Checking Player y coordinate code:

    # Boundary Player Checking y coordinate
    if player.ycor() > 290 or player.ycor() < -290:

    # Move food around

Step 2. Save your game as kbgame6 and run the module

Step 3. Now your cabbage moves across the screen but at the moment it always moves to the right, so let make the game more interesting by using the random function again by adding the following to the end of the # Collision checking section:

    food.right(random.randint(0, 360))

Step 4. The food is moving rather slow so let’s speed it up by changing the forward speed to 3 by updating food.forward with:

# Move food around

Step 5. Save and run your module, have a play with different speeds. Your food is now moving around the screen in a random direction the only problem we have is that it can move of the screen. This is an easy fix as you can cut and paste the same code you wrote for your turtle for border checking and modify it for the food.

Step 6. Cut the following code and paste it directly underneath making sure the indents are aligned

    # Boundary Player Checking x coordinate
    if player.xcor() > 290 or player.xcor() < -290::

    # Boundary Player Checking y coordinate
    if player.ycor() > 290 or player.ycor() < -290:

Step 7. Edit the pasted code to change player to food:

    # Boundary Food Checking x coordinate
    if food.xcor() > 290 or food.xcor() < -290:

    # Boundary Food Checking y coordinate
    if food.ycor() > 290 or food.ycor() < -290:

Now when your space cabbage hits the boundary it will bounce of the wall at 1800 just like your turtle

Step 7. Save and run your module

Before moving on have a play at modify your code changing the bounce angle and speed of the space cabbage.

Your code should now look like this:

Congratulations Module 6 Completed

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